пятница, 13 октября 2017 г.

It's a bird it's a plane

It's a bird it's a plane, it's Steph Be with a sign! . Welcome ❤️ / Bienvenidos . As a lover of travel and a daughter of immigrants, the everyoneiswelcome message really speaks to me! . It's such an honor to team up with discoverla to share a movement I truly believe in. . Ignore the haters... no matter where you are from, there are people in LosAngeles that are happy to welcome you into our city and hearts. . . Cómo hija de migrantes, y cómo mujer que viaja, es gran honor ser parte de este mensaje: TODOS son BIENVENIDOS en Los Ángeles! . Holler at discoverla for leading the conversation!

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