четверг, 25 января 2018 г.

Confessions of a first-generation American:If I

Confessions of a first-generation American: If I write my captions in Spanish or mention that I'm Latina, will non-Latinos think I'm no longer relatable? Will they think I'm un-American? Maybe, people will see someone that they already like/ follow and instead of thinking of me differently, they'll think about Latinos differently. We have a lot of terrible stigmas in the U.S. I would never want for Americans to think I don't have pride in being American. I am so proud to be American :) I love my Latin culture too. If you missed my new passion post, READ: Why I Waited to Discuss a Part of My Identity Online Link on the homepage travel-break.net -------------------------------------------------- Photo collaboration with seanparkerphotography -------------------------------------------------- Si escribo en español o comparto que soy Latina, voy a perder las personas que no son Latinex? Quizás pensaran los que no son hispanos que no soy relacionable? Quizás, personas miran a alguien que ya siguen, y en lugar de pensar diferentemente de mi, pensaran diferentemente de Latinos.

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