воскресенье, 24 декабря 2017 г.

EXCITING ANNOUNCEMENTI have 26 years of being a

EXCITING ANNOUNCEMENT I have 26 years of being a Disney fan (aka my whole life). Hawaii is the first place I ever traveled to as a kid with my family, and I had yet to go back. This weekend, I had the privilege of traveling to Hawaii for the movie premier of Moana -- Disney's FIRST Princess without a love interest! That's right, a small, mighty young woman saves her people. She's the hero in all of us and Disney is finally sharing our story. -------------------------------------------- It takes a tribe to tell stories that challenge our social norms. Big thanks to hawaiianairlines, Go Hawaii and Disney Animation for teaming up with me to share our story. It is a HUGE honor to be a part of this campaign. My personal testimony, photos and review will be up tomorrow on Facebook.com/StephBeTravel ----------------------------------------- Gran anuncio! Tengo 26 años de ser fanatica de Disney. Hawaii es el primer lugar a cuál viaje como niña. Este fin de semana tuve el privilegio de ir a Hawaii para el estreno de la película MOANA. Moana es la primera princesa de Disney que no tiene interés romántico! Ella es pequeña, pero fuerte y la héroe que llevamos dentro! ------------------------------------------------- GoHawaii

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